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Our investment philosophy

Our investment portfolio construction and management process is guided by an over-arching Investment philosophy.

The key principals of this are: 

In our experience there is only one party that benefits from complex and expensive investment products: the product manufacturer. 
We believe a simple, cost effective but well-constructed investment portfolio with appropriate diversification is more effective at building and protecting wealth over the long term than expensive and complex investment products.  At SPW we will favour direct investments over managed products wherever possible. This philosophy has a myriad of benefits. It significantly lowers the cost of investing while increasing transparency, flexibility and control. 

When assessing the merits of any potential investment our starting point is always with an evaluation of quality. This is assessed on a number of different levels, including analysis of company fundamentals, the operational and industry trends, and the calibre and track record of board and management. 

While valuation is critical, we prefer to invest in high quality companies rather than low quality companies with compelling valuations. We believe that by taking a disciplined approach to quality investing, the long term performance of portfolios will take care of itself. 

When assessing investments on a like for like basis we will always place a premium on an investment with liquidity. Liquidity has the advantage of increasing investors’ ability to react to changing circumstances, be it their own or the prevailing economic and market climate. A hard lesson for many throughout the GFC!

Capital Preservation
While markets cannot be controlled and the volatility they create can never be completely avoided, risk can be managed. Diversification is the primary tool we use to protect capital and reduce volatility over the long term. It is simple, inexpensive and highly effective. 

After Tax Returns
The only accurate way to evaluate the true performance of a portfolio is on an after-fees and after-tax basis, therefore we are always aware of the individual after-tax consequence of our advice.  Our direct investment philosophy empowers us to more effectively influence after-tax outcomes.  

Our investment management service

After we are satisfied that we fully understand your current position, your goals and objectives, a robust investment process is implemented. This process is designed to optimize the achievement of your unique long-term investment objectives. 

This process includes: 

  • Portfolio analysis, construction and optimisation across a range of asset classes including:
    — Cash
    — Fixed Interest
    — Australian & International Equities
    — Property Securities

  • Formulation of a customised Investment Strategy
  • Full access to your advisor who will intensely and proactively monitor your portfolio
  • Implementation and Execution Service
  • Comprehensive Reporting & Administration
  • Ongoing review